林宥嘉 YOGA LIN揭幕第五届《U选1000》
请出师姐当然有寓意,伟龙问林宥嘉:是否有信心挑战师姐神曲《小幸运》?他毫不“礼让”,认真地说:真的要拉票吗?我的歌迷很厉害,我们用七分力就好,放话首张专辑中的经典歌曲《伯乐》今年要拿第二!欣盈则问道:除了以前的经典歌曲,几乎每年都会上榜,去年新专辑《今日营业中》里面的歌曲也要首次接受挑战,对哪首最有信心?林宥嘉答:《天真有邪》,歌曲也是去年“全球流行音乐金榜”周冠军,词曲、演唱俱佳,颇具打榜实力。只是要看从发片到现在这么短的时间,能不能通过本地民众票选,跻身“最好听的中文歌曲1000大”。他也不忘对着镜头前的本地歌迷拉票,呼吁大家发送简讯到9717-1003, 对于夺冠,冠军还是留给师姐,说道《小幸运》他点头称实至名归,而自己要力保《伯乐》挺进2017“U选1000”亚军!不论结果如何,2016林宥嘉的表现已经非常亮眼,《天真有邪》和《致姗姗来迟的你》在“全球流行音乐金榜”都拿下周冠军,而且也因为一共6首歌总计上榜33周,成为年度上榜歌曲最多的歌手,也希望接下来的“U选1000”继续发力。
"U选1000" 由关爱您的肠胃, 较健康, 百分之五十较低糖维他精所呈献”。锁定UFM100.3, 紧追 《U选1000》!
UFM100.3 是新加坡报业控股旗下的中文广播电台,主打听众最喜欢、熟悉的90年代至今的U选好歌。为了紧跟听众的听歌品味,UFM100.3每年都会进行“U选1000”活动,邀请听众投选他们最喜欢的中文歌曲,依据听众的票选来选播歌曲。
第四届(2016)= 田馥甄《小幸运》
Taiwanese singer Yoga Lin launches the fifth edition of UFM100.3’s U1000 Music Countdown
Singapore, 13 February 2017 – Taiwanese singer Yoga Lin, who was recently in Singapore for his solo concert, launched UFM100.3's annual music chart campaign, U1000 Music Countdown (U选1000), with a video addressing his fans and rallying for nominations.
The 10-week long campaign commences today (13 February) with a 3-week nomination period. Listeners can nominate their favourite Mandarin songs of all time so that they may top the 1000 best Mandarin song chart.
During the video interview, UFM100.3 DJs Xinying and Weilong invited a “special guest” to bring Yoga Lin some good luck for this year’s campaign – a human-size standee of Hebe Tien, whose song “A Little Happiness” 《小幸运》 topped the chart in 2016. For a slight moment when the standee was brought out, Yoga mistook Hebe as his fiancée, Kiki Ding.
When asked if he was confident in surpassing his label-mate Hebe’s past results, he shared that he is hopeful his fans can make it happen. However, he encouraged them to use only 70 percent of their efforts to nominate and vote for him. He hopes his song “Bo Le”《伯乐》will be the runner up in the chart, so that Hebe’s song can remain the champion.
Carine Ang, Program Director of UFM100.3, SPH Radio, said: “U1000 has always been a very special and important campaign to our team. It has not only helped strengthen the brand and music positioning of our station, but also helped us identify and understand the trends and preferences of the public year after year. This year, we have decided to give more songs a chance to go through the voting stage. We will be shortlisting 2000 songs (instead of 1500) in the voting stage. I’m looking forward to this year’s countdown and would like to welcome you to be part of it too”.
U1000 Music Countdown Campaign is proudly presented by VITAGEN Less Sugar. Listeners who participate in the nomination, voting and countdown phases of U1000 Music Countdown will stand to win up to $10,000 in cash, as well as other attractive prizes.
About U1000 Music Countdown
U1000 Music Countdown (U选1000) is UFM100.3’s annual campaign that gives listeners the power to determine the songs to be played on UFM100.3 through nominating and voting for their favourite songs. The top 1000 songs as voted by listeners will then be featured on the music countdown on-air. Last year, the station garnered over 8,000 listeners participating in the various phases of the campaign. A crowd of over 2,500 supporters went down to witness the final chart results on the last day of the countdown via a Live Broadcast session by UFM100.3 DJs at Bugis Junction. Concurrently, the radio station also garnered over 7,000 video views of the live video streaming of the broadcast on-line. Digital streaming of the radio station tripled its average listenership on that day as well.
Past Years’ Champion Song
2013 = Faye Wong “Hong Dou” 王菲《红豆》
2014 = Tiger Huang “Mei Na Me Jian Dan” 黄小琥《没那么简单》
2015 = Kit Chan “Home” 陈洁仪《家》
2016 = Hebe Tien “A Little Happiness” 田馥甄《小幸运》